The issues of big data and smart cities have become increasingly important for managers and those interested in following the tendency of municipalities to meet their citizens with intelligent and efficient solutions in their daily life, taking advantage of what the technology can offer.

Massive data processing and the appropriate cross-referencing of Public Power databases, or even data provided by third parties, can significantly contribute to intelligent and modern management, which presents comprehensive, participatory and effective solutions.

To contribute to the understanding of these themes and disseminate what has been done in this area, several publications are made available for reading.


Project Conclusion Book

Big Data for Sustainable Urban Development

Ciro Biderman | Marcus Mentzingen de Mendonça | Patrícia Alencar Silva Mello

Cláudia Hiromi | Natália Foditsch


Políticas Públicas Orientadas por Dados

Os Caminhos Possíveis para Governos Locais

Pablo Cerdeira | Marcus Mentzingen de Mendonça | Urszula Gabriela Lagowska

Maurício Bousketa | Marcelo Facchina | Hallel Elnir


Caminho para as Smart Cities

Da Gestão Tradicional para a Cidade Inteligente

Maurício Bouskela | Márcia Casseb | Silvia Bassi |

Cristina De Luca | Marcelo Facchina

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Smart Cities

Transformação digital de cidades

Maria Alexandra Cunha | Erico Przeybilovicz | Javiera

Fernanda Medina Macaya | Fernando Burgos

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Driving New Models of IoT-Facilitated Citizen / User Engagement

Envisioning New IoT-Centric Approaches and User Experiences that Enhance Citizen Satisfaction, Participation and Engagement

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies (CDAIT) IoT Thought Leadership Workimg Group

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An Illustrated Agenda for Change in 2018

Ariel Aberg-Riger


What Works Cities

Bloomberg Group

Emerging and Sustainable Cities Program